Titanic Summary Rose posing for picture

    84 years later, a 100 year-old woman named Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story to her granddaughter Lizzy Calvert, Brock Lovett, Lewis Bodine, Bobby Buell and Anatoly Mikailavich on the Keldysh about her life set in April 10th 1912, on a ship called Titanic when young Rose boards the departing ship with the upper-class passengers and her mother, Ruth DeWitt Bukater, and her fiancĂ©, Caledon Hockley. Meanwhile, a drifter and artist named Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets to the ship in a game. And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.
    —Anthony Pereyra

    After winning a trip on the RMS Titanic during a dockside card game, American Jack Dawson spots the society girl Rose DeWitt Bukater who is on her way to Philadelphia to marry her rich snob fiancĂ© Caledon Hockley. Rose feels helplessly trapped by her situation and makes her way to the aft deck and thinks of suicide until she is rescued by Jack. Cal is therefore obliged to invite Jack to dine at their first-class table where he suffers through the slights of his snobbish hosts. In return, he spirits Rose off to third-class for an evening of dancing, giving her the time of her life. Deciding to forsake her intended future all together, Rose asks Jack, who has made his living making sketches on the streets of Paris, to draw her in the nude wearing the invaluable blue diamond Cal has given her. Cal finds out and has Jack locked away. Soon afterwards, the ship hits an iceberg and Rose must find Jack while both must run from Cal even as the ship sinks deeper into the freezing water.
    —hEmRaJ (gavin_coolhgr@hotmail.com)

    A love story doomed by the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Rose Calvert, now 101 reminiscences her experience of the Titanic, to American oceanic explorers, and her emotional connection with another passenger, Jack. Jack was an American starving artist who won a trip home on the Ship of Dreams to a lucky hand in poker. His luck unfortunately ran out on April 15, 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the northern Mid-Atlantic. Four days before the unsinkable ship began to fill with ice cold sea water, Rose and Jack's love story began. Rose was suppose to marry her mother's pick of a fine gentlemen Cal Hockley, who was only attracted to Rose by her beauty and family fortune. Rose however felt she was in a crowded room screaming for help with no one to hear. Jack did hear her, with someone to finally listen, Rose couldn't deny her feelings for Jack anymore. Their love came to a new level, when Rose asked Jack to draw her like one of his "french girls" wearing only the rarest diamond, the Heart of the Ocean. A fun filled, romantic love affair between Jack and Rose couldn't be denied and Cal's pockets began to feel empty and he became jealous of Jack searching for a way to compromise Rose's love for Jack. The Titanic then collides with a large iceberg and begins to sink. As the ship lowers itself into the depths of the ocean, Jack and Rose must fight death of the freezing water and await a rescue ship. 84 years later Rose hears of the Titanic and the discovery of her drawing and meets with the explorers, her memories are where our story begins. The Titanic is a powerful story of survival, love and heroism. A love story that will never let go of the hearts of the people around the world.

    Deep on the bottom of the sea, some 3800 meters below, in the very seabed of the Atlantic Ocean lies the wreckage of a ship. It is the unmistakable figure of the "Titanic", once man's greatest mechanical achievement, now stripped of its former glory, paying the price of pride and hubris against God. Almost a century later, at the present time, intrigued by the unique stories of the Titanic's passengers, but most of all, of its abundant, yet, hidden riches, Brock Lovett, a modern treasure hunter and his well-equipped technical crew is digging for answers for the past three years, nevertheless, without any success. But when the news of his crusade reaches the ears of Rose Calvert, one of Titanic's few survivors, things will begin to clarify, as Rose begins to unfold her incredible, heartfelt and tragic story that intertwines the legend of the notorious "Heart of the Ocean", King Louis' XVI deep-blue diamond, with her true romance between classes with Jack Dawson, a young bohemian vagabond. Eventually, however, Rose's sad story will come to the unforeseeable events that shook the world and would inevitably teach a lesson in humility to both paupers and royalty.
    —Nick Riganas

    Deep-sea explorer Brock Lovett has reached the most famous shipwreck of all - the Titanic. Emerging with a safe believed to contain a diamond called 'The Heart of the Ocean', he discovers the safe does not hold the diamond but a drawing of a beautiful woman wearing it. When Brock is later interviewed on TV, he shows the drawing to the cameras, and a 100-year-old woman named Rose Calvert living in Michigan recognizes the woman in the drawing - herself! On a visit to Brock's explorer ship over the wreck, Rose tells her story of the Titanic and its ill-fated voyage. Engaged to a would-be steel magnate, Caledon Hockley, she boards the Titanic's first-class suites with him and her mother in Southampton. Also boarding are Jack Dawson and his best friend Fabrizio De Rossi, after a lucky poker game wins them tickets in steerage. When Rose attempts suicide by jumping off the stern in third-class, Jack pulls her back onto the ship... and a bond is forged between them as Jack is invited by her into first-class the following day. Rose's mother and Caledon Hockley try desperate measures to keep them apart. But that strategy goes out the window when the Titanic collides with an iceberg, and due to a design flaw begins to sink - despite being proclaimed 'unsinkable'. Now Rose and Jack must fight to stay alive, but is young Jack already doomed because of his lower status as a steerage passenger?
    —Derek O'Cain

    A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.
