
Showing posts with the label Shelter

Set The Butterfly Free

Set The Butterfly free, The boy screamed with all his strength from across the courtyard. Everyone turned and went silent. Stunned to see a tear slip from his cheek and fall to the stone beneath his feet. It could almost be heard echoing, There thoughts before on only the winged demon girl in chains before them. The beauty of it only the boy could see.

The Little house in the hills

The little house in the hills. One Day in a little house in maine there was a modern family living a modern life. The mother sat in the kitchen Drinking her morning coffee, staring out the back door into the hills, well bacon sizzled on the stovetop. The childern Sussy and Jim still asleep in there beds. unawares to them the father stood tall in the street infront of the house unable to enter the threshold of life. For he had died years past in the wars which took the life of the man who stands on the street of the house where his wife sat and his children slept, 200 years past.

Came home with a bestfriend

On a cold February afternoon I set out on my usually Tuesday walk. It was a particularly cold day in Northern Maine still rather common that time of year. When I stumbled across a mother cat and her 3 white kittens which I hardly noticed tucked under some cardboard boxes in the snow. Brought them home for warmth and took them to the local not so close Animal shelter. Ended up leaving with Three Unusual best friends. Love Exists it's just not always noticed.