
Showing posts with the label always


A Sin depriving the needy. Gluttony was not without guilt he was not driven by Lust. Nor was he full of Pride. He held no Wrath for the weak. He knew not how Greed or Envy felt. He was driven by a stronger need one he could not explain. He was no Sloth for he would drink the oceans dry without a second thought, or rather there was no second thought.

Russian Stolen Art

A man stood on a bridge crossing a small river that ran through the city. He stood in the middle looking over the edge staring at the moons reflection on this unusually bright summer night. He sees something strange pass across the reflection. Just then he hears a loud bang, another, and another. Till he could no longer hear. Thinking they had stopped he looks up to see the city all around engulfed in fire. Pure destruction all around. The bridge beneath his feet suddenly flung him what seemed to be thirty feet. His breath knocked from his lungs as he splashed into the water, a boulder landing on his chest . He reaches up with all his might everything suddenly becoming so clear. He could see the moon shine through his finger tips and then a shimmer and more. It was gold raining down the most stunning thing he had ever seen or ever will.

Set The Butterfly Free

Set The Butterfly free, The boy screamed with all his strength from across the courtyard. Everyone turned and went silent. Stunned to see a tear slip from his cheek and fall to the stone beneath his feet. It could almost be heard echoing, There thoughts before on only the winged demon girl in chains before them. The beauty of it only the boy could see.

Scared of attachment

Scared of Attachments There was once a man the age of twenty two. He sat on bench in a local park on a beautiful sunny day. July 4th it happened to be. He watched as families of verity shimmered past in festive spirits. He sat and watched the day pass he began to wonder, just what was that feeling? Was it lasting? Was it something he already knew? or was it something he already lost?  The man sat on a bench in a local park on July 4th. There he still sits encased in bronze for he is a statue frozen in fear of his own attachments.

Came home with a bestfriend

On a cold February afternoon I set out on my usually Tuesday walk. It was a particularly cold day in Northern Maine still rather common that time of year. When I stumbled across a mother cat and her 3 white kittens which I hardly noticed tucked under some cardboard boxes in the snow. Brought them home for warmth and took them to the local not so close Animal shelter. Ended up leaving with Three Unusual best friends. Love Exists it's just not always noticed.

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Rules for Texting a Girl!!!
