
Stoner's For Life Marijuana Chronicles: July 4th and july 16th Update Outside organic Mari...

Stoner's For Life Marijuana Chronicles: July 4th and july 16th Update Outside organic Mari... : July 4th 2019 update Growing great so far. Not many issues. July 16th 2019 update


Wrath, He possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, coordination, willpower, intelligence, and instincts superior to any human. Wrath, he has greater endurance and seems to unable to feel pain unless it's severe.Wrath's dominant traits are his frankness and his utter fearlessness, shown when he remains composed in the face of great lose. Appearing hide a much darker side.


A Sin depriving the needy. Gluttony was not without guilt he was not driven by Lust. Nor was he full of Pride. He held no Wrath for the weak. He knew not how Greed or Envy felt. He was driven by a stronger need one he could not explain. He was no Sloth for he would drink the oceans dry without a second thought, or rather there was no second thought.


I am often mistaken for love. I am open and embracing. A warm sensation, unrelenting Lustfulness everlasting.


Greed  As he sunk his Fangs deep into her veins he felt the Thickness, The warm of it wash over him, so soothing and pleasureful. Then suddenly Like the wave of a raging ocean crashing down upon him. The desire, no the need to take it all..A single spec of light is all the remains in his eyes as everything blackens.


She sits at a table in the middle of a crowded plaza. Surrounded by people who adore her. They would tell you they know everything there is to know about her. She talks as it's expected, She knows all the right words and all the right expressions. She knows everything they want to hear. I could not hear her talking or see her laugh . All I could see was perfection cracking.


Pride in itself is not a bad thing. However the prideful man left standing would never know he had sinned, nor does he want to.