

Pride in itself is not a bad thing. However the prideful man left standing would never know he had sinned, nor does he want to.

The Moment I Met You

I Still remember how I felt the moment I met you.

When I catch you looking my way

I feel the words slipping. My mind blanking. My heart stopping. When I catch you looking my way.

All I think about is you

On the moment of waking, within the shame comes bliss, Lost and unaware, Uncaring as the world vanishes. With a Glancing look as they started to fall. Lost forever in the abyss of each others thought.

Suspended in time and space

He lays sleeping on a bed made of feathers and silk, Feels almost weightless. She sat there staring into his eyes. Beautiful and blue they were infinate she thought. Like the stars endless and bright. Suspended in time and space forever he would lay on a bed made of feathers and silk. Coma

Why so Important?

Why do you want to work here? Because I want to learn the meaning of I love you. Why do you want to know that? Because I don't understand why he would say that. "I Had no idea you would be so important to me when I first met you".

How to Text a girl

Rules of texting a girl. 1. If you read no further at least follow rule number two. 2. Do not Show them your eggplant Emo. 3. Say Hello. 4. Reply and follow up with some sort of question or mutual topic to talk about. 5. If they do not respond assume they are doing something. If they never reply assume there not interested. Either way do not continue bothering them. There girls they read it or dropped there phone out an airplane well it was crashing into a deserted island. You wont be hearing from them again. 6. Be interesting and be willing and able to meet for lunch/coffee. 7. Tell her things about yourself do not make her ask. Answer honestly if she does ask. She should not have to ask and you? after a long explination of a question you asked. Refeer to rule 6. 8. Continue a back and forth conversation. 9. When and if she texts you later.. Respond tell her what your doing if you are busy include when you will not be busy. If you are not busy then be prepared to continue your con